I’ve had the opportunity to witness firsthand the impact of high agency individuals on an early-stage startup. After diving deep into the insights shared by George Mack and Shreyas Doshi on this topic, I’ve come to realize that high agency people are not just valuable – they’re essential for the success and growth of any young company.

But what is High Agency?

According to Eric Weinstein, high agency is “When you’re told that something is impossible, is that the end of the conversation, or does that start a second dialogue in your mind, how to get around whoever it is that’s just told you that you can’t do something?” - @EricRWeinstein. It’s about being proactive, resourceful, and determined to find solutions, regardless of the obstacles in your path.

Why High Agency People Matter More Than 10x Engineers

In the tech world, we often hear about the elusive “10x engineer” – someone who is supposedly ten times more productive than their peers. While technical skills are undoubtedly important, I’ve found that high agency individuals bring something even more valuable to the table:

  1. Ownership: The most critical trait of a high agency person is their sense of ownership. They don’t just complete tasks; they take responsibility for outcomes. When something needs to be done, they step up without being asked.

  2. Problem-solving mindset: High agency people don’t wait for perfect conditions or complete information. They start with what they have and figure things out along the way.

  3. Adaptability: In a startup environment, things change rapidly. High agency individuals thrive in this uncertainty, quickly adapting to new challenges and opportunities.

  4. Resilience: When faced with setbacks, high agency people bounce back quickly and learn from failures.

The Joy of Working with High Agency People

Working with high agency individuals is a transformative experience. Unlike their low agency counterparts, who can be draining and frustrating to collaborate with, high agency people make work feel like play. Their presence creates an almost spiritual atmosphere of productivity and innovation.

When faced with low agency team members, I often find myself taking on their responsibilities to avoid the frustration of interaction. In contrast, high agency colleagues inspire respect and trust. Their relentless resourcefulness [1] elevates the entire team’s performance and morale.

How to build High Agency as part of your culture

Best way to ingrain High Agency into a company’s culture is to only hire agency folks. Most times even skipping technically 10x engineers with low agency. But High Agency exists on a spectrum rather than a boolean. So cultivating a High Agency culture is important for important to retain and attract more High Agency people. I find below conditions to be essential for High Agency people:

  1. Autonomy

  2. Safe-to-fail environment

  3. Context, not just tasks

In the fast-paced, uncertain world of early-stage startups, high agency individuals are critical. They may not be the 10x Engineer, but their ability to take ownership, solve problems, and drive progress makes them invaluable.

As you build your startup team, prioritize high agency alongside technical skills. Create an environment that nurtures and rewards this trait. In doing so, you’ll not only increase your chances of success but also create a more dynamic, enjoyable, and fulfilling workplace for everyone involved.

[1] https://paulgraham.com/relres.html